We are:
certificated and classified school staff and political activists.
union representatives and rank and file members
a diverse group of people with strong connections to our communities
We believe:
Union power manifests primarily in the organizing activities of empowered rank-and-file members.
Our unions are strongest when members take collective action to solve problems in the workplace and fight for justice for our schools and society.
activities of empowered rank-and-file members
teachers need and deserve academic freedom to perform their job well
education related organizations should be democratically run by members freely voicing a diversity of opinions
school staff works best using unscripted collaboration towards shared goals
Peer Assisted Review in Berkeley has served to harass and intimidate teachers, while not necessarily improving their practice
We work to:
guide, support, and protect staff and students
create a participatory, democratic, social justice movement in our unions and communities
build solidarity with educators, students, families, and activists in our communities taking action to improve our public schools